Hi everyone, we are closer to xmas indeed.
Have you done your year retrospection yet? My personal story is that i never just to do this kind of things, call it laziness or procrastination.
At the personal level (not just in business),I now see the importance and the urgency to go over your goals and see whether you achieved them or not. What can be improved?
Regarding our responsibility towards our planet. I can see more and more people conscious of the urgency to live in harmony with our planet and with others around you. Have we reached the critical mass yet? I believe so.
I think, we just need to make a bit more of an effort next year and to be more conscious of our thoughts and actions as individuals living temporarily in this planet. And also, temporarily, living with others (which mirror our own thoughts, believes, habits etc) in order to experience and learn about ourselves.
So a goal for the coming exciting 2011 could be to be more conscious of everything without judging, accepting what is and changing just myself to make an impact in the world around me.
What's your goal? Please share below.